Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Register...

I know I promised to put this up here weeks ago...sorry...better late than never, right?

If your child had not turned 5 before September 1st than you don't need to register with the county. While they are more than welcome to participate in club activities with us, they won't be considered "official" 4-H members this year and as such don't need to register.

For the rest of you here's how you do it...

1) Read the instructions found here..( http://alachua.ifas.ufl.edu/pdfs/4h/Florida%204-H%20Online%20Instruction%20Manual%20-%20Family%20Section.pdf ). I know it's long, but trust me, it will make it easier on you.

2) After reading the instructions, go here to set up your family account and add members.

At this time you only need to add your children's information, unless you plan on volunteering with the 4-H program in a more official capacity (co-club leader anyone...anyone ?) than you won't need to set up a profile for yourself.

Some helpful hints...

1) It took me about 30 minute to complete the whole registration. I admit it's a rather tedious process as far as online registrations go. Plan to register when you have some downtime, put the kids to bed first and make yourself a cup of tea. Good news is you only have to do it once, for re-enrollment purposes in the future you'll only have to adjust information as need (new address, food allergies, etc.).

2) Our club name is "Growing Green 4-H" you'll need to know that. The official project we're working on this year is called "Exploring 4-H" (or something very close to that). You may choose to completed additional projects on  your own through the year, but for registration purposes that will be the one you select.  When it asks you about a workbook...just skip to the next step (I'll coordinate getting books through the County 4-H Agent directly)

3) If it seems like a question/category doesn't apply to you...it probably doesn't. Just skip it and move on to the next step (especially towards the end of the registration process).

4) If you get stumped in the middle, send me a text (352-219-8077) and I'll call you back as soon as I'm able.

You can do it! I believe in you!

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